What's Behind the Price of Perfume

On the shelves of perfume stores or on the internet, you can find perfumes at a variety of prices, from very affordable to astronomical. However, the juices look the same in appearance. So how can you justify this difference and what is the most expensive part of making a perfume? Let's take a look at what's behind the marketing and manufacturing to understand the true price of perfume.


From Luxury to Popular Products


A gentleman's perfume

Originally used for medicinal and religious purposes to communicate with the gods, perfume was soon reserved for certain elite classes. Back in ancient Egypt, the most refined essences represented the height of refinement. Meanwhile, the common people were content to slather themselves in castor oil. Since the Renaissance, perfumes have been favored by the noblest of people. They used and abused very powerful perfumes, as well as very expensive animal ingredients imported from the Orient, such as amber, musk and civet. The bottles became more and more precious and perfumes truly gained the status of luxury.


A perfume for everyone!

The cost of manufacturing is less important because some fragrances are less concentrated and more volatile. However, we had to wait for the industrialization of the process and mass manufacturing to see perfumes become more accessible. However, thanks to advances in organic chemistry and the synthesis of natural raw materials, the price of a bottle has definitely become more affordable. In fact, the use of perfumes has become widespread due to synthesis. By ensuring the production of a large number of very rare ingredients, their cost has been reduced. Perfumes that were previously reserved for the upper class have become "mainstream".


Perfume Bottles


Behind the Label

Despite these technological advances, the price of perfume remains a mystery to consumers. They don't understand how it doubles or even doubles from one brand to another. To better understand the price of a perfume, you must look behind the label and find out what's in it.


Raw materials and manufacturing

The first thing you need to do to evaluate the price of a perfume is to look at its ingredients. The cost of raw materials that a perfumer will use may vary from one ingredient to another. Some products are hand-picked, one flower at a time, such as jasmine or rose. Others are grown and developed in a quasi-industrial manner. Costs can be affected by their rarity, cultivation methods, seasonality or the vagaries of the weather. Iris from Tuscany is one of the most expensive raw materials in perfumery and can be sold at gold prices. While these materials are expensive, the price of some synthetic ingredients can also skyrocket. Therefore, the costs associated with purchasing these raw materials will inevitably affect the final price of the perfume.

In addition to the cost of supply, the method of extracting the essence will also have an impact on the final price. While new cutting-edge technologies are being developed, they are not always within the reach of all perfumers. Therefore, the price of your perfume will vary depending on its composition, the extraction technique used and, most importantly, on its concentration in the raw material.


Bottle and packaging

Once the juice is ready, it's time to bottle it. Glass bottles can represent a more or less important cost item. The largest perfumeries usually use specialized design agencies. Shapes, sizes, decorations, caps, spray bottles ...... everything is researched to appeal to future buyers while also maintaining the practicality of industrial packaging. When the design is conceived and validated, it is now necessary to have the glass manufacturer create the molds. Finally, the last step is to imagine and create the packaging that will house the bottle. As a result, development costs can vary and have a significant impact on the final price of the perfume.

And the more complex the bottle, the longer the packaging will take. The assembly of a perfume consists of dozens of steps, many of which must be done manually. Cleaning the bottle, silk-screening, labeling, filling, placing the spray bottle, crimping, installing the pump cap, cleaning, assembling the casing and installing the wedge, placing the crystal paper and shipping ...... You can't imagine the time it takes to make a perfume!



Once the final product is ready, it still needs to be advertised and adopted. Marketing and communication come into play. Several issues will be addressed: the selection of the muse that reflects the olfactory properties of the product, the implementation of communication campaigns with the media, and the promotion within the point of sale ...... These levers usually constitute the most important items of expenditure for large players. Marketing. While certain TV commercials produced for luxury brands are worth millions of euros, smaller companies prefer to run more confidential promotions.



You have to sell that perfume somewhere now! Some brands have decided to sell their creations only through their own online stores. This way, they limit the middlemen and can control their profits. But buying a perfume online without smelling it is a gamble. That's why brands often rely on physical stores to test their perfumes. It is therefore necessary to take into account the profit margins of these stores so that they can break even and push the perfume forward while creating a minimum profit.

Other brands also go through distributors, who are responsible for finding points of sale to sell their fragrances. These distributors logically receive a commission, as do the sales agents who help designers place perfumes in stores. All of these different players are essential to bringing the perfume to the end customer, and therefore have an impact on the selling price of the perfume!


The Democratization of Perfume Bottles

Perfume is a must-have for every woman. Women with good taste are naturally sensitive to scent, no less than the men they choose.

So, in the perfume industry, scent is the key to dominate perfume performance, but packaging can also bring some bonus points.

We can find a variety of designs in the perfume bottle packaging, each designer is also like "eight immortals, each show their skills".

There are patterns, graffiti, lines, shapes ...... to change what you want.

In the face of this temptation of perfume bottles, our customers should keep their eyes open. First of all, it should be clear that what we buy is perfume, not perfume bottles. Too many ornate perfume bottles perfume is usually very expensive. Pay too much attention to the perfume bottle but ignore the essence of the perfume. Secondly, too gorgeous perfume bottles contain perfume is often not a lot of perfume, high price to buy, but use a few times and then no more, for the average consumer this is not economic and affordable.

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